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I enjoyed the game!

A very fun game that meets expectations is a very good way. The combat is standard turn-based, but has several mechanics to improve the strategy involved. Turn order is very important, slow skills are great, buffs are valuable, first-hit effects, and the SP system make for very fun game play. The secrets are a ton of fun and easy to miss if you aren't looking, the monster names are awesome, and the skill system is solid. Overall, I highly recommend giving this game a try.


As you already know, last weekend I streamed your game. Overall, I thought it was a game with some nice attention to detail, but the game play itself was not very engaging.

One thing that can definitely be appreciated going into The Tower is how quick it gets into the game play. There's been a number of games I have played over the past many streams I have done that I spend way too long going through absolutely boring dialogue, sitting in anticipation for the "game to begin". Here, however, The Tower, for the most part, just cuts to the chase. This is always welcomed.

There are small details in the design that are definitely appreciate and go a long way. Despite the game using primarily RTP assets that have been over-played and over used, there is some work such as neat little window animations as well as little water splashes when the player walks in shallow water. There is also a nice attention to the design in the game to help get the player's attention and to encourage them to move off the beaten path.

Upon stepping onto the first floor of the titular Tower, the player will notice an NPC scurry away. Once again, no dialogue, nothing to break the pace of the player. If the player wishes to pursue this NPC they can, or otherwise they can just go about their merry business. This little anomaly inside such a "forelorn" tower really works well at catching player's interest and is a nice design touch.

Things begin to fall apart for the game when it comes to the combat. There is a basic idea beyond the simple turn-based formula RPG Maker is known for, but it's not much more than that. With a magic system similar to TP, players gain "SP" by performing attacks, and can use SP by using magic abilities. However, for the most part it didn't seem to have much to encourage diverse and well considered actions from the player. It seemed easy enough for player's to just hold down the ENTER key and let the auto-attack sweep the field.

If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.